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st: error using nlcom and jacknife replicate weights
Dear Statalisters,
I received an "internal error in adjustment for svy" using -nlcom- after -svy, regress-
with jackknife replicate weights. I replicated the error using the nhanes2jknife data set
from page 63 of the Survey Data Manual (see below).
I've used -nlcom- without trouble with different survey weight structures. Is there some
workaround or fix for the case of jackknife replicate weights?
I am using a fully updated Stata MP2 9.2 for Windows 64-bit.
Dave Harless
. webuse nhanes2jknife
. svyset
pweight: finalwgt
VCE: jackknife
MSE: off
jkrweight: jkw_1 jkw_2 jkw_3 jkw_4 jkw_5 jkw_6 jkw_7 jkw_8 jkw_9 jkw_10 jkw_11 jkw_12
jkw_13 jkw_14 jkw_15 jkw_16 jkw_17 jkw_18
jkw_19 jkw_20 jkw_21 jkw_22 jkw_23 jkw_24 jkw_25 jkw_26 jkw_27 jkw_28
jkw_29 jkw_30 jkw_31 jkw_32 jkw_33 jkw_34
jkw_35 jkw_36 jkw_37 jkw_38 jkw_39 jkw_40 jkw_41 jkw_42 jkw_43 jkw_44
jkw_45 jkw_46 jkw_47 jkw_48 jkw_49 jkw_50
jkw_51 jkw_52 jkw_53 jkw_54 jkw_55 jkw_56 jkw_57 jkw_58 jkw_59 jkw_60
jkw_61 jkw_62
Strata 1: <one>
SU 1: <observations>
FPC 1: <zero>
. svy, subpop(female): regress weight height age
(running regress on estimation sample)
Jackknife replications (62)
----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
.................................................. 50
Survey: Linear regression
Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10351
Population size = 1.172e+08
Subpop. no. of obs = 5436
Subpop. size = 60998033
Replications = 62
Design df = 31
F( 2, 30) = 212.00
Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.0891
| Jackknife
weight | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
height | .6086646 .0369666 16.47 0.000 .5332708 .6840584
age | .1819998 .0133588 13.62 0.000 .1547543 .2092453
_cons | -40.58831 5.972471 -6.80 0.000 -52.76924 -28.40737
. nlcom _b[height]/_b[age]
_nl_1: _b[height]/_b[age]
internal error in adjustment for svy
end of do-file
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