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st: re: Repeated measures ANOVA
Dear statalisters
I have a problem, maybe a simple problem for the majority of you
but complex for me.
I?m studyng the effects of a kind of ocular surgery. I have a
dataset with 5 measurements (CH0-CH5) and two surgical techniques.
The 5 measurements are made in the same patients, so are repeated
I put the data in long format and now i have a dataset with the
variables subject(id number), ch(variable that holds the
measurements), chnum(variable 0-5 that tells if it was ch0 or
ch1.... to ch5) tcir(the suirgical technique a 0/1 variable).
I want to know if are differences in the mean of ch from point 0
(the day before the surgery) to point 5 (4 weeks after the
surgery), and if these differences are related with the surgical
I wrote
anova subject tcir ch chnum, repeated(chnum)
and receive the message "variable not in the model"
If i drop tcir everything is ok.
How can i fix this problem? What is wrong?
I read the Stata manuals, but i don?t understand very well the
Can you help me please?
Thank you
Antonio Botelho de Sousa
Usually, the dependent variable is named right after the anova
command....you are not doing this in your example code.
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