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st: Repeated measures ANOVA

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Repeated measures ANOVA
Date   Mon, 04 Jun 2007 15:07:33 +0100

Dear statalisters
I have a problem, maybe a simple problem for the majority of you but complex for me.
I?m studyng the effects of a kind of ocular surgery. I have a dataset with 5 measurements (CH0-CH5) and two surgical techniques. The 5 measurements are made in the same patients, so are repeated measures.
I put the data in long format and now i have a dataset with the variables subject(id number), ch(variable that holds the measurements), chnum(variable 0-5 that tells if it was ch0 or ch1.... to ch5) tcir(the suirgical technique a 0/1 variable).
I want to know if are differences in the mean of ch from point 0 (the day before the surgery) to point 5 (4 weeks after the surgery), and if these differences are related with the surgical technique.
I wrote
anova subject tcir ch chnum, repeated(chnum)
and receive the message "variable not in the model"
If i drop tcir everything is ok.
How can i fix this problem? What is wrong?
I read the Stata manuals, but i don?t understand very well the solution.
Can you help me please?
Thank you
Antonio Botelho de Sousa

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