input idnum str7 idstr estimate
6 "Smoking" 0.65
3 "Age" 0.65
7 "Surgery" 0.68
2 "Full" 0.68
5 "Race" 0.68
8 "Rad" 0.68
9 "Chemo" 0.68
4 "Sex" 0.75
1 "Unadj" 0.77
gen id2 = idn
replace id2 = 0 if ids == "Full"
replace id2 = idn -2
twoway scatter estimate id2 if ids != "Unadj" , ///
mlabel(ids) mlabposition(12) sort ///
xlabel(0 "2" 1 "3" 2 "4" 3 "5" ///
4 "6" 5 "7" 6 "8" 7 "9") xtitle(ID Number)
On 6/1/07, Michael McCulloch <[email protected]> wrote:
I have the following data points:
idnum idstr estimate
6 Smoking 0.65
3 Age 0.65
7 Surgery 0.68
2 Full 0.68
5 Race 0.68
8 Rad 0.68
9 Chemo 0.68
4 Sex 0.75
1 Unadj 0.77
My goal is to plot the results with the HR from the "Full" model on
the far left, with the remaining HRs off to the right in ascending
order. The following code gets me close to what I want.
. sort estimate
. twoway scatter estimate idnum if parmseq==1 & ids!="Unadj",
mlabel(ids) mlabposition(12)
Can anybody suggest how I can force "Full" to the far left, while
having the remaining data points to the right, in ascending sort
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