There are still seats left in my short course on "Event History & Survival
Analysis using Stata", July 23-27 in Philadelphia. I've taught this course
for many years using SAS, but I'm now offering a Stata version as well.
The course covers material equivalent to a full semester's work and includes
such topics as censoring, life tables, Kaplan Meier estimates, accelerated
failure time models, Cox regression, competing risks, discrete time methods,
unobserved heterogeneity, and repeated events.
Stata commands include ltable, stset, sts list, sts graph, sts test, streg,
stcox, stcurve and cloglog. There will be computers on site for hands-on
assignments and practice.
For more information, go to
Paul D. Allison, Professor and Chair
Department of Sociology
University of Pennsylvania
3718 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6299
215-898-6712, 215-898-6717
215-573-2081 (fax)
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