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st: interactions in gllamm

From   "Sarah Gill" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: interactions in gllamm
Date   Thu, 31 May 2007 17:49:08 +1000

I am trying to run 2 categorical interaction terms with a common
variable (agegroup) in a gllamm model (see below), and get the error
message "variables have been dropped, can't continue". I assume this is
due to collinearity because of the common variable - is there anyway to
get around this and still be able to estimate these interactions?

xi: gllamm dv time i.agegroup*smoke i.agegroup*drink, i(id)
link(logit) family(binom) nrf(2) eqs(inter slope) robust

Thankyou for any advice you can offer

Sarah Gill

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