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st: Interpretation of Heckman Output

From   "Erik A. Mooi" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Interpretation of Heckman Output
Date   Tue, 29 May 2007 19:41:06 +0100

Dear Statalisters,

I have been trying to run a model explaining if managers react to problems
they encounter with their suppliers. Since I expect a selection problem to
occur (i.e. managers try to achieve the best outcomes by choosing one of the
two possible strategies) a two-staged Heckman approach seems appropriate.
Therefore I have constructed a selection equation based on some aspects of
the severity of problems they encounter in the transaction together with
aspects of the buyer-seller contract. Subsequently I have controlled for
each of these exogenous variables plus one instrument in the outcome
equation as follows:

heckman outcome additionalvar selectionvars, twostep select(strategy =
selectionvars) rhosigma

The outcomes using this approach indeed suggest a specification issue as the
outcomes between a Heckman and OLS estimation differ substantially (see
below with the original variable names corresponding to the above). However,
this would lead me to expect that the inverse Mills ratio is also
significant but this is not the case. How could this be? All the examples
that I have seen on the Internet on Heckman show that substantial parameter
differences between Heckman and OLS relate to significant Mills ratios. Is
there anything I have done wrong?

With kind regards,



heckman v5_12b v5_2 exposttc rights service prodpric recourse, twostep
select(v5_5bf = exposttc rights service prodpric recourse) rhosigma

Heckman selection model -- two-step estimates   Number of obs      =
(regression model with sample selection)        Censored obs       =
                                                Uncensored obs     =

                                                Wald chi2(11)      =
                                                Prob > chi2        =

             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
v5_12b       |
        v5_2 |   .0971938   .2696069     0.36   0.718     -.431226
    exposttc |  -.1511838   .0830238    -1.82   0.069    -.3139074
      rights |   .0937918   .1002321     0.94   0.349    -.1026595
     service |  -.0115216   .1530307    -0.08   0.940    -.3114562
    prodpric |   -.109601   .0761067    -1.44   0.150    -.2587675
    recourse |  -.0503901    .125504    -0.40   0.688    -.2963735
       _cons |   10.51196   3.910816     2.69   0.007     2.846904
v5_5bf       |
    exposttc |   .0993788   .0069866    14.22   0.000     .0856854
      rights |  -.0959504   .0315393    -3.04   0.002    -.1577663
     service |   .1273116   .0566456     2.25   0.025     .0162883
    prodpric |    .023815   .0387175     0.62   0.538      -.05207
    recourse |   .1158447   .0425291     2.72   0.006     .0324892
       _cons |  -3.228235   .2235185   -14.44   0.000    -3.666323
mills        |
      lambda |  -.2353879   1.312908    -0.18   0.858     -2.80864
         rho |   -0.17707
       sigma |  1.3293293
      lambda | -.23538794   1.312908

reg v5_12b v5_2 exposttc rights service prodpric recourse

      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =
-------------+------------------------------           F(  6,   908) =
       Model |  726.998251     6  121.166375           Prob > F      =
    Residual |  1148.04498   908  1.26436672           R-squared     =
-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =
       Total |  1875.04324   914  2.05146962           Root MSE      =

      v5_12b |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf.
        v5_2 |  -.1803181   .0917545    -1.97   0.050    -.3603936
    exposttc |  -.1082438   .0056015   -19.32   0.000    -.1192371
      rights |   .0120973   .0219006     0.55   0.581    -.0308845
     service |   .0079959   .0387689     0.21   0.837    -.0680912
    prodpric |  -.0042016   .0250155    -0.17   0.867    -.0532966
    recourse |     .01187   .0307798     0.39   0.700    -.0485377
       _cons |   9.398066   .1371511    68.52   0.000     9.128896


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