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st: stata9.0 and 9.2..clustering?

From   "alessia matano" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: stata9.0 and 9.2..clustering?
Date   Mon, 28 May 2007 16:42:27 +0200

Dear all,

there is a thing really strange that is happening using either
stata9.0 or stata 9,2.
I am estimating a panel equation where the id is the worker, and of
course t=year.
I do my estimations clustering by the region where the worker works.
(So it is possible that from one year to another the worker can change
region of work).
So, when I use stata 9.0 it does the estimates. When I use stata 9.2
it says "Panels non nested within cluster".

This sentence has happeared to me already in stata 9.0 but only when I
tried to do the regression with lagged variables, so that for workers
changing region it had sense in effect.
What could is mean to you?
What is that the problem?

thank you
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