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Re: st: RE: RE: RE: Multiple comparisons, non-normal data

From   Knag Anne-Christine <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: RE: RE: RE: Multiple comparisons, non-normal data
Date   Fri, 25 May 2007 08:40:05 +0200

Haha, you are quite right! I am a master student at the Institute of Marine
Research in Norway. My thesis is on the effect of oil pollution on cod
(which I guess you all know is a species of fish). I am really struggling
with my stats as everyone is telling me something different. The latest tip
was to use a Kolmogorov Smirnov. I�ll so rude and post my question again:

I have data on an experiment where 9 tanks were sampled every day for 3
months. I measured different variables every day. Some of them should be
looked at as how much variable x at day n contributed to the sum of tank.
(ie relative fecundity)
Each of the nine tanks contains one group of individuals that have been
given either treatment C, L, M, H or E at time 1 or 2. I.e tank 9 is a group
given treatment E at time 2, while tank 4 is a group given E at time 1.
There are no replicates of the treatment, but if there is no effect of time
(1 or 2) given the treatment, I believe that I can use the tanks with the
same treatment given at different times se as replicates of treatment.
In addition to have measured the fecundity (number of eggs produced), I also
have the diameter of the eggs collected. I would like to know how the
diameter changes over time in each of the tanks and whether it differs
between the tanks.

I would also like to check for significant differences between the nine
tanks in the day they initiated spawning, the total number of days of
spawning and when spawning ended.
Again, I will be very, very grateful for any help that you can give me.
Thanks and have a wonderful day!

On 5/24/07 9:04 PM, "Nick Cox" <[email protected]> wrote:

> The original poster hails from which is the Institute
> of Marine Research in Norway. We need hard data to
> settle Elizabeth's conjecture, but I would put
> a very low prior probability on iguanas being
> a research topic among Norwegian fisherysciencefolk.
> I wouldn't put your money on lobsters either.
> Nick 
> [email protected]
> Elizabeth Allred
>> Lobsters? Iguanas??
> Nick Cox
>>> Fish. 
> Newson, Roger B
>>>> I do not know ... what kind of
>>>> animals are laying eggs and living in tanks.
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