On 2007/05/24 Michael Blasnik wrote:
> Stata works sequentially through the variable in a replace,
> which allows functions such as sum() to accumulate a
> running sum and allows [_n-1] constructs
> program define scramble
> version 9.2
> syntax [varlist]
> tempvar hold order rand
> gen long `order'=_n
> foreach var of local varlist {
> gen `rand'=uniform()
> gen `hold'=`var'
> sort `rand'
> replace `var'=`hold'[`order']
> drop `rand' `hold'
> }
> end
thank you for refreshing my memory with
regard to -replace-
You are also right in saying that I don't
need the -clonevar- construct - instead I
just use replace and a temp var (although,
I still use _`var' in place of an actual
temp var, because each run permutes one
_or more_ variables).
To round things off I include a copy of
my current ado file below, in compact form.
program define bfsimu, rclass
version 9.2
syntax ...
tempfile ORG bfPERM
tempvar tag dtrank sortorder
marksample touse, strok
qui drop if !`touse'
gen long `sortorder' = _n
keep `sortorder' `Varlist'
sort `sortorder'
qui save `ORG'
forval r = `nextrun'/`reps' {
qui use `ORG'
local oldseed "`seed'"
foreach gr of local nVarlist {
sort `gr'
local concat_gr : subinstr local gr " " "+" , all
mark `tag' if indexnot(`concat_gr',"?") != 0
set seed `seed'
qui egen long `dtrank' = rank(uniform()) if `tag' , unique
qui foreach var of local gr {
gen _`var' = `var'
replace `var' = _`var'[`dtrank'] if `tag'
local droplist "`droplist' _`var'"
drop `tag' `dtrank' `droplist'
local droplist ""
local seed = c(seed)
sort `sortorder'
qui save `bfPERM', replace
bfsearch `Varlist' , maxvar(`maxvar') `Options'
-- Jesper Kj�r Hansen
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