My log file looks like:
set mem 300m
set matsize 800
log using "/home/rahmen/data/log/log $S_DATE.log" , append
cmdlog using "/home/rahmen/data/log/cmdlog $" , append
adopath + /home/rahmen/data/do
adopath + /home/rahmen/data/ado
adopath + /home/rahmen/data/matafunc
set scrollbufsize 500000
macro define F4 `
macro define F5 [ ]
macro define F6 {
macro define F7 }
quietly conren s 3
quietly conren ul 1
2007/5/24, Allan Reese (Cefas) <[email protected]>:
> This may be obvious or old hat, but I've been fiddling with reformatting dates to generate a daily log from Stata.
> The following lines are in my
> * Create daily audit trail of all commands (only allows one Stata invocation) ...
> local logdate = string( d(`c(current_date)'), "%dCY-N-D" )
> cmdlog using "c:\program files\stata9\logfiles\log`logdate'.txt", append
> * ... and working log file of output (to rename for keeping)
> capture erase c:\statalog.bak
> capture copy c:\statalog.smcl c:\statalog.bak
> log using c:\statalog, replace
> The advantage of this format is the files stay in date order whether sorted by name or date modified.
> Any simple suggestions to add 1,2 or a,b to the log filename if Stata is called more than once are invited - I guess it would require a loop, a counter, and "file open" as a test.
> Allan
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AbdelRahmen El Lahga