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st: ycommon for single axis in graph combine

From   "Steinar Fossedal" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: ycommon for single axis in graph combine
Date   Thu, 24 May 2007 16:54:00 +0200

Hi, listers

I have multiple graphs which I am joining in a single graph using -graph
combine-. Each graph contains a lowess-plot of residuals, as well as a
histogram in the background to indicate the relative number of
observations at the different covariate values.

I would like to use common values for the y axis in my plot, but only
for the axis indicating values for the lowess-graph - not for the
histogram axis. -ycommon- seems to impose common values for all axis,
which in my case is unfortunate. This is because one of the variable has
a very many observations concentrated at a single value, so the values
of this histogram dominate the others (The others have frequencies more
or less equal to zero in comparison)

Is there a way to solve or work around this problem?

Thank you for all your help so far,


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