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st: thank you richard....other quetsions on xtabond2

From   "alessia matano" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: thank you richard....other quetsions on xtabond2
Date   Tue, 22 May 2007 17:28:37 +0200

Just that I am here, and I think you are the only one understanding
me. Do you maybe know the answers to these other questions?
Thank you again
1. with xtabond2 how is it possible to get the R^2?
2. Is that possible that using difference gmm, I get coefficients
estimates much higher in magnitude than applying saying an OLS?
3. Which is the difference between one step and twostep gmm? Is it
possible with xtabond2 to get the first stage estimtes??
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