Phil Bardsley wrote:
Last year I brought this up with Stata Tech Support and got the reply below
from Kevin Crow. The application I was working on needed to be automated in
a way that precluded using Kevin's approach. I ended up going through SPSS
first, then converting to Stata, since SPSS preserves leading and trailing
blanks. What I'd like to see in Stata is something like a "notrim" option
on -infile- that would keep leading and trailing blanks.
Thanks for relaying that. I'd considered alternatives, such as -file-, but,
as I mentioned in the post, they appear to be at least as involved as the
character-substitution workaround.
I've no idea how difficult a -notrim- option for -infile- and -infix-would
be for StataCorp to implement. If it wouldn't interfere with items higher
on the wish list, then I'd second a motion in favor of it.
Joseph Coveney
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