Stata users,
I am working on a 2SLS in which the endogenous variable is modeled using
a Tobit model (lower bound=0, upper bound=1) and the second-stage
regression also uses a Tobit model.
1st. stage
TE=f(farm charactersitics, household characteristics, country dummies)
--->Tobit model (lower bound=0, upper bound=1)
where TE takes values between 0 and 1
2nd. stage
Surplus index=f(predicted TE, farm characteristics, household
characteristics, country dummies) --> Tobit model (lower bound=-1,
upper bound=1)
where surplus index takes values between -1 and 1.
I was wondering ig there is any STATA command/code to perfrom this
analysis. Any comment or suggestion will be appreciated.
Ana R. Rios
Ph.D. Candidate and Research Assistant
Department of Agricultural Economics
Purdue University
403 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2056
(765) 494-4257
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