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st: Graph titles and labels with by()

From   Thomas Masterson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Graph titles and labels with by()
Date   Thu, 10 May 2007 16:29:07 -0400

Hi There,
searched around but couldn't find an answer, so:

I'm running in to a problem producing the graph I want.
Running two separate box plots and combining them gives
me a graph with one title, but a lot of space taken up
with category labels. Using the by() option seems like
it should be the answer.
Here's what I think is the right code:

. graph hbox lnw [fw=wgt], over(cat) by(group, noiy) title("Title")

here's what I get:

	Title           Title
	group1		group2
     |               |
cat1 |  box     cat1 |  box
     |               |
cat2 |     box  cat1 |     box
     |_________      |___________
	scale            scale

and here's what I want it to look like:

	group1		group2
     |               |
cat1 |   box         |   box
     |               |
cat2 |      box      |      box
     |___________    |____________
	scale            scale

Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong?
I also tried the -noiyl- in the -by()-
options, but got the same output.

* Thomas Masterson               *
* Research Scholar               *
* Levy Economics Institute       *
* Bard College                   *
* Annandale-on-Hudson, NY  12504 *
* (845) 758-7715                 *
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