Dear Statalisters,
I have a simple question about a local macro, as illustrated in this example.
. clear
. set obs 3
obs was 0, now 3
. gen x = _n*10
. gen str10 a_rang=""
(3 missing values generated)
. forvalues i=10(10)30 {
2. local a `i'+9
3. disp `a'
4. replace a_rang="`i'" + "-" + "`a'" if x==`i'
5. }
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
. list, clean noobs
x a_rang
10 10-10+9
20 20-20+9
30 30-30+9
I want the a_rang variable to be "10-19", "20-29", and so on, as it
appears it would be when I -display- it. Even with my rudimentary
knowledge of local macros, I can get around the problem by, for
example, defining another local macro equal to a. But it seems there
should be a direct way to accomplish this in the -replace- command
above, to include the numeric value of local macro a rather than the
"`i'+9" string.
David Ward
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