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Re: st: string management questions

From   n j cox <[email protected]>
To   n j cox <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: string management questions
Date   Thu, 10 May 2007 12:53:42 +0100

Typo removed

 Here is the more general example code in one for copiers and pasters.
 To apply to a different example:

 1. Change -myvar- to whatever is appropriate.
 2. Check that variable names -distinct- and -same- are not in use.
 3. Change the separator from , if needed.

split myvar, p(,)
replace myvar1 = trim(myvar1)
gen distinct = myvar1
gen byte same = 0

local nvars : word count `r(varlist)'
qui forval i = 2/`nvars' {
     replace myvar`i' = trim(myvar`i')
     replace same = 0
     local prev = `i' - 1
     forval j = 1/`prev' {
         replace same = 1 if myvar`i' == myvar`j'
     replace distinct = distinct + "," + myvar`i' ///
         if !same & myvar`i' != ""

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