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st: Re: IVREG or IVREG 2

From   "Rick Patina" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: IVREG or IVREG 2
Date   Wed, 9 May 2007 09:57:23 -0400

I just subscribed, to statlist, I do not know if the earlier one went
through of not.  Please accept my apologies if you are seeing this for
the second time.

I will describe the problem i have, then my question

I have a classical labor supply model addressing wage is endogenous.
I have looked into
But this is not addressing the problem, I have.

First stage
ln wage= aX + bZ + e

where z is the instrumental variable, then I have the second stage
which is the labor supply equation

ln weekly hrs = eX  + klnwagehat + E

where lnwagehat is the predicted wage adjusted with standard errors,
so wage in stata equals to the following:

wagepathat = exp(predicted mean of wage from 1st stage + SE/2), where
SE is standard error

If I not mistaken, by using ivreg or ivreg2   the predicted wage  is
not corrected for.  Is there anyway I can correct for the standard
error in ivreg and ivreg2 so that the predicted value will account for
the standard error and I can use for example ivreg2 or ivendog for
Wu-Hausman test, and other tests.


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