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st: RE: ivreg2 gmm or cue options and initial values

From   "Schaffer, Mark E" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: ivreg2 gmm or cue options and initial values
Date   Mon, 7 May 2007 19:32:56 +0100


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] 
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of 
> Lukas Mohler
> Sent: 07 May 2007 14:16
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: ivreg2 gmm or cue options and initial values
> Dear Statalisters,
> I have a question regarding the ivreg2 command. I'd like to 
> estimate a model with a constant and two endogenous variables 
> which are instrumented by up to 150 instruments (All of them 
> are dummies. If you want to know why I do this,
> see: Broda and Weinstein, Globalization and the Gains from 
> Trade, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2006). So I 
> estimate the following:
> ivreg2 y (x1 x2=z1 z2 z3 z4 ... z150), gmm robust
> This, of course, is not a problem. But now I want to restrict 
> the coefficient of
> x1 to take only positive values (why: see paper mentioned 
> above...). In other words I need to perform a grid search 
> over values from zero to, say, 150 in specified steps. If I 
> understood the help file of ivreg2 correctly, this should be 
> possible with the cue option where I can specify the initial values.

I don't think the -cue- option will do what you want with respect to grid searches.  It simply minimizes the CUE-GMM objective function using Stata's -ml-.  Since -ml- doesn't do a grid seach, the -cue- option won't either.

Stata doesn't readily support inequality constraints.  When using -ml- you have to resort to tricks like estimating the log of a coefficient instead of the coefficient itself.

But maybe someone else has ideas here.

> My first question is: Is it correct that the cue option 
> allows for a grid search between specified values? If not, 
> does anybody know of commands that make that possible or even 
> of another software package?
> Secondly, if I use the following command:
> ivreg2 y (x1 x2=z1 z2 z3 z4 ... z150), cue cueinit(b) 
> cueoptions(???) robust
> I have read the ml help and tried to pass options to the ml 
> routine, but I always get the error message "invalid syntax". 
> How can I correctly pass the options to perform my search?

Not sure why you're getting problems here.  Here are examples of passing different maximization algorithms using the toy auto dataset:

. sysuse auto

. ivreg2 price (mpg=weight trunk), cue robust cueopt(technique(nr))

initial:       neg GMM obj function -J = -.74672932
rescale:       neg GMM obj function -J = -.74672932
Iteration 0:   neg GMM obj function -J = -.74672932  
Iteration 1:   neg GMM obj function -J = -.74522321  
Iteration 2:   neg GMM obj function -J = -.74522317  

CUE estimation

... etc.

. ivreg2 price (mpg=weight trunk), cue robust cueopt(technique(dfp))

initial:       neg GMM obj function -J = -.74672932
rescale:       neg GMM obj function -J = -.74672932
Iteration 0:   neg GMM obj function -J = -.74672932  
Iteration 1:   neg GMM obj function -J = -.74535713  
Iteration 2:   neg GMM obj function -J = -.74531459  
Iteration 3:   neg GMM obj function -J = -.74531458  

CUE estimation

... etc.

-technique(nr)- seems to find a smaller minimum and gets there faster.


> Thanks.
> Lukas
> ---
> Lukas Mohler
> Abteilung Aussenwirtschaft und Europ�ische Integration 
> Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Zentrum Universit�t Basel 
> Petersgraben 51
> 4003 Basel
> Switzerland
> +41 61 267 07 70
> ---
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