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Re: st: how to weight (level-1) data using gllamm

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: how to weight (level-1) data using gllamm
Date   Wed, 02 May 2007 11:57:06 -0600

If your weight represents survey weights (i.e. probabilty weights), then you will have to use pweight(wt) option and call your weight variable as "wt1" not "wt" (I think gllamm recognizes "wt1" as level-1 weight). Or, sometimes Stata variable is case-sensitive, so check your variable name whether or not it is called "wt" or "WT". If the variable name is in an upper-case letters, then you will have to use upper-case letters in your syntax as well.


Quoting Tsui-o Tai <[email protected]>:

Hi Stata experts,

I got problems when I used "gllamm" and tried to
weight (level-1 weight). My syntax is like:
gllamm poor d1 sex marry elder d27..., i (country) nrf
(1) eqs (inter) link (logit) family (binom) weight

In the output, wt is not recognized even though I
generated wt already. Please a me an syntax example
and tell me how to weight data using gllamm. Your help
is deeply appreciated.


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