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RE: st: String vector

From   "Hendri Adriaens" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: String vector
Date   Mon, 30 Apr 2007 21:57:32 +0200

Hi again,

This is more or less related to the string vector I was looking for before.
I am struggling to get a for loop to work as I want. The problem is a little
bit more tricky now, as I will need to have the variable before the current
variable in the for loop. In programming, I'm used to build the variable
name then myself, like:

forvalues x=1/2 {;
  if `x'==1 local gesl="_m";
  if `x'==2 local gesl="_v";
  forvalues y=1/20 {;
    local groep="lft"+string((`y'-1)*5)+"_"+string(`y'*5)+`gesl';
    local sterfte="stf"+`gesl';
    replace `groep'=`groep'*(1-`sterfte'[`y']);

(this doesn't show the need for the previous variable just yet, but I will
need it, so when loking at lft15_20_m, I need to have also lft10_25_m.) The
code above complains that _m is not found. I didn't expect that one...

The I tried something else, in the spirit of the varlists as has been
suggested before:

scalar i=0;
foreach x of varlist lft0_5_m lft5_10_m lft10_15_m lft15_20_m lft20_25_m
lft25_30_m lft30_35_m
  lft35_40_m lft40_45_m lft45_50_m lft50_55_m lft55_60_m lft60_65_m
  lft70_75_m lft75_80_m lft80_85_m lft85_90_m lft90_95_m lft95__m {;
  scalar i=`i'+1;
  replace `x'=`x'*stf_m[`i'];

This complains that stf_m is not found. Didn't expect that either as it is
in the dataset...

Actually, my idea was to define a varlist:
local vars_m lft0_5_m lft5_10_m lft10_15_m lft15_20_m lft20_25_m lft25_30_m
  lft35_40_m lft40_45_m lft45_50_m lft50_55_m lft55_60_m lft60_65_m
  lft70_75_m lft75_80_m lft80_85_m lft85_90_m lft90_95_m lft95__m;

and then do a forloop and access variables with:
local name_1: word 'i-1' of 'vars_m';
local name_2: word 'i' of 'vars_m';

But then:
scalar i=0;
foreach x of local vars_m {;
  scalar i=`i'+1;
  replace `x'=`x'*stf_m[`i'];
Didn't do anything, not even complain... The complaint about stf_m came when
I replaced the foreach line with the explicit list as above.

Does anyone have an idea what is happening here? And how best to access 2
different varaibles from the same list? By building the string or by the
second approach?

Thanks already, best regards,

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