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Re: st: linkplot does not accept the option -plot(plot)-

From   n j cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: linkplot does not accept the option -plot(plot)-
Date   Tue, 24 Apr 2007 21:38:55 +0100

The assertion in the title is incorrect. The -plot()-
option in -linkplot- (from SSC) i.e.

linkplot ..., ... plot(<plot>)

is for taking one or more subcommands of -graph twoway- such as -scatter-, -line-, -histogram-, etc. -linkplot- itself is not such
a subcommand, so Jos�'s syntax is illegal, as a matter of Stata's -twoway graph-, not -linkplot-. This is all documented under -plot_option- in Stata 8. It works in Stata 9, but is not documented, because -addplot()- does the same thing under a better name.

His question shows a limitation of -linkplot- in that you cannot
distinguish subsets. Scott Merryman's reply showed that you
can borrow the code and do this easily, so that is a good
argument for leaving it be.

[email protected]

Jos� Maria Pacheco de Souza

Dear People (or, more directly, Dear Nick Cox):
I am trying to use the code -linkplot porcento ano if
numerodepesquisas==2, link( idmunicipio) cline(black) plot(linkplot porcento
ano if numerodepesquisas==3,link(idmunicipio)cline(red))- in order to have
different colors to identify better the two groups of lines, for
numerodepesquisas==2 and for numerodepesquisas==3.
However I get the error message -linkplot is not a plot type-
Is it a way to obtain the overlaid graphs?

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