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Re: st: Making graphs from micombine mlogit results
At 04:57 PM 4/23/2007, ucb_gal wrote:
hi, i'm having trouble making a graph from mlogit results. i run my
mlogit (i'm using multiple imputation, so i use micombine first):
micombine mlogit depvar black_nh asian_nh native_nh hisp female
income [pw=custweight], cluster(R234)
next i'm trying to create variables based on the probabilities
generated from the mlogit:
prgen income, x(black_nh=1) generate(blk2) ncases(20)
and then i get the error:
equation 1 not found
what's equation 1? what am i doing wrong?
There is no guarantee that post-estimation commands are going to work
correctly after micombine, let alone a user-written post-estimation
command like prgen.
I don't know if it will help, but I suggest you install -mim- and
-mimstack-, available from SSC. As Nick Cox posted last month,
"-mim- replaces Patrick Royston's -micombine- (still available via
-ssc install ice-) and has in general more facilities and greater
rigour than -micombine-. It replaces Galati and Carlin's -mitools-.
" The help for -mim- indicates some things you can and cannot do
with post-estimation commands. I haven't tried it but it looks like
mim's -storebv- option might let you do what you want.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
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