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st: estout format prblem

From   Johannes Geyer <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: estout format prblem
Date   Mon, 23 Apr 2007 17:22:00 +0200

Dear Statalisters,

I have a problem with the command  "estout" - I would like to use 
regression results for further calculations, I need variable names, 
coefficients and standard errors with at least 8 decimal places, e.g., the 
following code:

   logit y1 x1 x2 x3
   estimates store reg1
   logit y2 x4 x5 x6
   estimates store reg2

   forvalue con = 1/x {
                                       estout reg`con' using 
${FILE}reg`con'.xls, replace
                                       cells("b(fmt(%9.8f)) se( fmt(%9.8f) 

My problem is that some of the coefficients and standard errors are 
displayed by estout in the exponential numeric format and not as they 
appear in the regression output, here, e.g., from the log-file:

regression output:
                   |              Coef.          Std. Err. 
      univ            |  -.3302061   .1663558 
 upsec             |   .1233631   .1415921 
  everjob         |   .3497108   .7931228 
        marr         |  -.1494407   .1296733 
   newsepdiv |    3.95194      1.052911
estout output:
                                coef                   std.err.
univ               -0.33020614      0.16635577
upsec            0.12336305      0.14159207
everjob         0.34971077      0.79312275
marr              -0.14944068      0.12967326
newsepdiv       3.95e+00         1.05e+00

apparently, always when the coefficient or standard error is larger than 1 
it procues the unwanted format.

Any help would be appreciated,
thank you


Johannes Geyer
Deutsches Institut f�r Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin)
German Institute for Economic Research 
Graduate Center
Koenigin-Luise-Stra�e 5
14195 Berlin, Germany 
Tel: +49-30-89789-258

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