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Re: st: Classification analysis/risk tree (CART) in Stata - anything more?

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Classification analysis/risk tree (CART) in Stata - anything more?
Date   Sun, 22 Apr 2007 12:01:39 +0200

I can't understand from your post if you are aware of -cart- (module to perform Classification And Regression Tree analysis for failure time data. It uses the martingale residuals of a Cox model to calculate approximate  chisquare values for all possible cutpoints on all the CART covariates) from ssc and are searching for something better, or you simply don't know about it.


At 02.33 22/04/2007 -0400, Clare L Maxwell wrote:
>Has Stata thought about this any more?  Especially, might CART be a 
>possibility in Stata within the next year?
>Retrieved from
>Re: st: RE: Classification analysis / risk tree
>Subject Re: st: RE: Classification analysis / risk tree
>Date Tue, 01 Apr 2003 06:14:06 -0600
>Paul Seed said:
>Does anyone know of a CART-type package for Stata.
>Nick Cox replied:
>CART -- usually I think regarded as an abbreviation of
>Classication and Regression Trees, after the monograph
>by Breiman, Friedman, Olshen and Stone -- has been requested
>several times as an addition to official Stata, including
>at the NASUG meeting in Boston on March 17. The Stata
>Corp response is in essence "We'll think about it".
>Fred Wolf added:
>Some listers might be interested in the commercial package called 
>"CART" and sold by Salford Systems at a reasonable cost. It has been 
>the major CART package for almost 2 decades. Recently, CART has been 
>seen as a "data mining" tool by Salford systems. This has led to 
>increases in prices to levels in excess of thousands of dollars for 
>new purchases as well as to timed licenses. The next most convenient 
>approach to CART is through S-plus.
>I add:
>In her review with example in"Classification and Regression Tree 
>Analysis in Public Health:  Methodological Review and Comparison with 
>Logistic Regression," Stephanie Lemon, et al, uses "The C&RT analysis 
>was conducted using Answer Tree 2.0, a product of SPSS."
>But I'd like to use Stata.
>Thank you.
>                                Clare Maxwell 

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