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st: xtabond2 nolevel vs ivreg2 gmm

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: xtabond2 nolevel vs ivreg2 gmm
Date   Fri, 20 Apr 2007 15:20:09 -0400

Mariarosaria said

I estimated a dynamic equation:
yt= a +b*y(t-1)+c*xt+et
using xtabond2 (with the nolevel option) and ivreg2 (with the gmm option). I
have used the same number of IVs for the endogenous variables (x is a vector
of endogenous and exogenous variables).
I am aware that the first command implies the adoption of an Arellano- Bond
(difference GMM) estimator, while the other the use of a two-step feasible GMM
estimator. However, I don't understand why I get an estimation sample rather
different for the two commands: the ivreg2 sample is half that of the xtabond2
(4108 vs 8467 obs).

First of all the equivalent model to Arellano-Bond difference GMM would be D.y on LD.y and D.x if you did it "by hand" in ivreg2. If you used xtivreg2, fd, it would do the differencing for you.

ivreg2 (and any straightforward iv technique, such as xtivreg2, fd) will drop one observation on every panel for each lag mentioned in the model or instrument specification. So if your instruments included, e.g., L2D.y, L3D.y, L4D.y, you would lose five observations per panel (one for the difference and four for the lags). The cunning strategy of the Arellano-Bond estimator (see Roodman's "How to do xtabond2" in RePEc, avoids the loss of these additional observations for the instrumenting (or rather loses only one for the lags used in instrumenting; System GMM does not even lose that). So it is perfectly understandable that a traditional IV estimator (such as Anderson-Hsiao implemented by xtivreg2, fd) will work with a much smaller sample than will Arellano-Bond or Blundell- Bond.


Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

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