Thanks Phil. It worked. I have three more model to imitate in Stata if
any one is able to:
1) I tried using -xtregar- but didn't work and it appear xtmixed does
not have the AR(1) option.
proc mixed data=cholst;
class newid;
model cholst = year / s;
random intercept year / type=un subject=newid g;
repeated / type=ar(1) subject=newid;
2) don't understand the last line of code.
proc mixed data=cholst;
class newid;
model cholst = year / s;
random intercept year / type=un subject=newid g;
repeated / type=vc subject=newid;
estimate "long-cross" year 1 age -1;
3) again, don't understand last line.
proc mixed data=cholst;
class newid;
model cholst = sex age year sex*year age*year / s;
random intercept year / type=un subject=newid g;
repeated / type=vc subject=newid;
estimate "rate-diff" sex*year 1 age*year -10;
On 4/19/07, Philip Ender <[email protected]> wrote:
Raphael Fraser wrote:
Can anyone produce the equivalent code in Stata? A snippet of the data
named "cholst" is given below.
proc mixed data=cholst;
class newid;
model cholst = year / s;
random intercept year / type=un subject=newid g;
repeated / type=vc subject=newid;
I think the -xtmixed- code that comes closest to what you want would
be something like this:
xtmixed cholst year || newid: year, var cov(un)
By the way, I believe the "class newid;" statement in your SAS code is
unnecessary because newid is not a categorical variable in the model.
It doesn't hurt but it doesn't help either.
Phil Ender
Statistical Consulting Group
UCLA Academic Technology Services
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