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st: svyset question

From   "Jeff Edmeades" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: svyset question
Date   Fri, 20 Apr 2007 10:24:16 -0400

Hi all,

I am working with survey data with the following design (as described to
me): "Respondents were selected through stratified cluster sampling,
with one district randomly selected from six geographic regions.  Ten
sampling units (villages in rural areas and urban wards in urban areas)
were then selected in each district through probability proportional to
size sampling, with purposeful oversampling of urban areas to ensure
sufficient cases for the analysis of rural-urban differences.  A
household listing was conducted in each of the sampling units, from
which 40 eligible individuals were randomly selected."

My understanding of the correct syntax for this (following from the SVY
manual) is:

svyset district, strata(region) fpc(ndistricts) || samplingunit
[sampling weight for urban oversample] fpc(nsamplingunits)

Is this correct??

Many thanks,

Jeffrey Edmeades, Ph.D.
Social Demographer, Population and Social Transitions
International Center for Research on Women
1717 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20036
[email protected]
Phone: 202-797-0007 ext. 117
Fax: 202-797-0020

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