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Re: st: ttest subsample help

From   Clive Nicholas <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: ttest subsample help
Date   Thu, 19 Apr 2007 13:11:49 +0000 (GMT)

Michael Macciomei wrote:

hello everyone I am new to stata and I am stuck.
I am trying to do a simple ttest to see if my means differ significantly.  However I have 12 variables that each can be broken down into 4 subcategories (ex. Netincome could be classified as NIsamestate, NIdiffstate, NIsamesector, NIdiffsector)
I want to compare those 4 against each other and do the same for all 12 variables.  So far I have done this:

foreach var of varlist ni-roe{
gen new`var'=`var' if targetstate==acquirorstate

I did this same command 4 times creating 48 variables.
Now I want to run a ttest but I have no clue. And was there a simpler way I could have done the above command?  Can anyone help?


How about creating a summary variable from your original variables that takes values from 1 to 48 using -egen=group()-, then use -forval- to loop through the t-tests:

. log using mike

. egen typevar=group(groupvars)

. forval i = 1/48 {
        ttest targetvar if typevar==`i', by(catvar)    

. log close

Hope that helps,
Clive Nicholas

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