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st: variance components are not shown using xtmixed

From   Tsui-o Tai <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: variance components are not shown using xtmixed
Date   Mon, 16 Apr 2007 09:48:43 -0700 (PDT)


I used xtmixed to run random-tntecept models. Somehow
I could not get the variance components. The results
indicated that "dzeros () not allowed" and "option
notab not allowed". My results are shown in the
following. Could anyone help me delect the problem?
Thank you very much for your help.


delimiter now ;
 use $mydata\tsui\apd001;

  keep country casenum poor d6 hweight wt edlo edmed
edhi couple singmal
> singfem h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 socgdp povlin ey;

 gen povrat=ey/povlin;

 xtmixed povrat h1 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 couple singmal d6
edlo edmed socgdp ||
> country:, mle;

Performing EM optimization:

Performing gradient-based optimization:

option dzeros() not allowed

Mixed-effects ML regression                Number of
obs      =    269680
Group variable: country                    Number of
groups   =        23

                                           Obs per
group: min =      2009
   avg =   11725.2
   max =     49351

chi2(12)      =  52441.66
Log likelihood = -496979.08                Prob > chi2
       =    0.0000

   povrat |Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95%
Conf. Interval]
       h1 | .404535   .0091609    44.16   0.000      
.38658      .42249
       h3 |-.1690872   .0109564   -15.43   0.000   
-.1905613    -.147613
       h4 |-.588056   .0137348   -42.82   0.000   
-.6149757   -.5611364
       h5 | .3813505   .0120577    31.63   0.000    
.3577178    .4049832
       h6 | .276558   .0145153    19.05   0.000    
.2481085    .3050076
       h7 |-.3783761   .0214649   -17.63   0.000   
-.4204465   -.3363057
   couple | .4134674   .0086097    48.02   0.000    
.3965928    .4303421
  singmal | .2591511   .0099623    26.01   0.000    
.2396253     .278677
       d6 | .3258752   .0036663    88.88   0.000    
.3186894    .3330611
     edlo |-1.301009   .0083116  -156.53   0.000     
-1.3173   -1.284719
    edmed |-.8359972   .0079362  -105.34   0.000   
-.8515519   -.8204426
   socgdp |-.0233627   .0107784    -2.17   0.030    
-.044488   -.0022374
    _cons |2.747971   .2390292    11.50   0.000    
2.279483     3.21646

  Random-effects Parameters  |   Estimate   Std. Err. 
   [95% Conf.
country: Identity            |
option notab not allowed

 #delimit ;
delimiter now ;
 exit , clear STATA;

end of do-file

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