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st: Re: German Stata Users Group meetings

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: German Stata Users Group meetings
Date   Sun, 15 Apr 2007 06:57:46 -0400

I was waiting to announce the availability of these presentations until I received copies of the last several talks from the organizers, but almost all are now available at the URL indicated below and at the corresponding page on IDEAS,

The presentations are made with LaTeX beamer (http://latex- and you will find that a number of presentations in SUG archives by StataCorp personnel are also done in that format. beamer has all the advantages of powerpoint with none of the disadvantages: it is platform-independent, does not cost anything, produces PDFs rather than proprietary .ppt files, and as you say produces beautiful output. Furthermore there are many different styles (named after cities) -- equivalent to powerpoint or Keynote 'templates', I believe -- that can change the appearance of the slides. You can also produce a PDF of slides rather than the 'slide show' that will contain multiple copies of the same slide just by changing two lines in the input file. And if you are concerned with the quality of mathematics in your slides, you can be assured that they will look professional in beamer without any futzing around with an 'equation editor' that at the end of the day produces poorly typeset maths.

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

On Apr 15, 2007, at 2:33 AM, statalist-digest wrote:

Fortunately several of the talks from the German Stata Users' Group
Meeting 2007 seems now to be available at:

I noticed that several of the pdf presentations use a very clean and
beautiful design(presentations from Maarten L. Buis, Christopher Baum
and Markus Hahn)- which look  refreshingly different from ordinary

How were these presentations produced?- Is this software or template
generally available?
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