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st: New -fre- package available from SSC

From   "Ben Jann" <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: New -fre- package available from SSC
Date   Sat, 14 Apr 2007 00:20:48 +0200

I have this old habit of typing

. fre <varname>

to get a quick overview of a (categorical) variable (some will know
where this habit comes from). Of course, Stata responds (in red):

unrecognized command:  fre

But not anymore.

Thanks to Kit Baum, a package called -fre- is available from the SSC
Archive. To install the package, type

. ssc install fre

Stata 9 is required.

-fre- displays a table of the frequency distribution of the specified
variable (or several tables if more than one variable is specified).
Some of the features of -fre- are:

o  Labels and values are printed by default. Labels are printed in full length.

o Missing values are included in the bottom part of the table by
default and two percentage columns are displayed, one based on all
observations and one based on the non-missing ("valid") observations.

o  If a variable has many categories ("levels"), only the smallest and
largest 10 are displayed (along with missing values). This ensures
that the table will fit on screen. Option -all- enforces displaying
all categories.

o  There is an -include- option to tabulate categories that have zero
frequency. This is useful, for example, for producing codebooks.
-include- without argument uses the label definitions to determine the
unobserved categories. Alternatively, you may provide a list of
categories in parentheses, i.e. type -include(<numlist>)-.

o  The frequency tables may be written to file, either tab-delimited
or LaTeX-formatted. This, again, is useful for producing codebooks.

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