Thanks to Kit Baum, an update to the -estout- package is available
from the SSC archive.
To install the update, type
. ssc install estout, replace
or use the -adoupdate- command.
Apart from bug-fixes etc. there are the following changes:
(1) -esto- is now "byable" (thanks to Bill Gould for suggesting this).
The -by: esto:- construct is very handy if you want to apply the same
model to subsets of your data. Example:
. sysuse auto
. by foreign: esto: reg price weight mpg
(output omitted)
. esta, label nodepvar nonumber
Domestic Foreign
Weight (lbs.) 4.415*** 5.156***
(4.66) (5.85)
Mileage (mpg) 237.7 -19.78
(1.71) (-0.34)
Constant -13285.4* -5065.8
(-2.32) (-1.58)
Observations 52 22
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
(2) The -cells()- option in -estout- now has a new -pvalue()-
suboption that lets you specify custom p-values to be used to
determine the significance stars (instead of computing the p-values
from e(b) and e(V)).
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