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st: Pmatch2 and random

From   "Gauri Khanna" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Pmatch2 and random
Date   Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:26:48 +0000

Dear Stata list,

I am running the psmtach2 command to estimate propensity scores. I use Stata 9.2 and psmatch2 is updated.

While running this command, in my output I get a comment:

"There are observations with identical propensity score values.
The sort order of the data could affect your results.
Make sure that the sort order is random before calling psmatch2"

So I do the following
-gen random=uniform()
sort random-

but still get the same message, I also try with -set seed- as below but get the same message.

-set seed 12345
-gen random=uniform()
sort random-

I copy below my command and output. Does anyone know how to correct this problem?
. psmatch2 waterpipe sexhhead v152 v012 ageresp2 aware ///

v512 v715 eduhusb v730 partnerage2 v025 housetype2 ///
sh42 ownerTV hv211 sh47q, out(h11) n(5) logit
Logistic regression Number of obs = 24869
LR chi2(16) = 6171.00
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -13440.218 Pseudo R2 = 0.1867

waterpipe | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
sexhhead | .081646 .0614635 1.33 0.184 -.0388202 .2021123
v152 | -.0036941 .0010471 -3.53 0.000 -.0057463 -.001642
v012 | .0361599 .0220871 1.64 0.102 -.00713 .0794498
ageresp2 | .0001226 .0003905 0.31 0.754 -.0006428 .000888
aware | .51381 .0374203 13.73 0.000 .4404675 .5871525
v512 | -.066041 .005295 -12.47 0.000 -.076419 -.055663
v715 | .0116712 .0090949 1.28 0.199 -.0061545 .029497
eduhusb | -.0002637 .0006224 -0.42 0.672 -.0014835 .0009562
v730 | .0377528 .0103074 3.66 0.000 .0175506 .057955
partnerage2 | -.0004689 .0001196 -3.92 0.000 -.0007032 -.0002346
v025 | -1.486734 .0365479 -40.68 0.000 -1.558367 -1.415102
housetype2 | -.0481205 .0312731 -1.54 0.124 -.1094148 .0131737
sh42 | -.2851831 .0532543 -5.36 0.000 -.3895597 -.1808065
ownerTV | .5799184 .0394479 14.70 0.000 .5026019 .657235
hv211 | .2489998 .0539778 4.61 0.000 .1432052 .3547944
sh47q | -.7165624 .0595988 -12.02 0.000 -.8333739 -.5997508
_cons | .6628973 .3185432 2.08 0.037 .0385641 1.28723
There are observations with identical propensity score values.
The sort order of the data could affect your results.
Make sure that the sort order is random before calling psmatch2.
Variable Sample | Treated Controls Difference S.E. T-stat
h11 Unmatched | .414652169 .389711613 .024940556 .01043801 2.39
ATT | .414652169 .365248601 .049403568 .014874442 3.32
Note: S.E. for ATT does not take into account that the propensity score is estimated.

| psmatch2:
psmatch2: | Common
Treatment | support
assignment | On suppor | Total
Untreated | 15,396 | 15,396
Treated | 9,473 | 9,473
Total | 24,869 | 24,869



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