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RE[2]: st: exclusion of observations

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE[2]: st: exclusion of observations
Date   Thu, 12 Apr 2007 12:00:46 +0100 (MET)

Dear Nick, I tried your procedure and it works.
Many thanks for your prompt and precise suggestion,
kind regards,

Your general idea seems to be

1. personal data on earnings
2. a group variable, province
3. you want the median of everybody else's earnings,
within province.

This kind of problem is discussed in

How do I create variables summarizing for each individual properties of
the other members of a group?

The general recipe is

for each person in the province {
	calculate a statistic from other data for the province
         assign the result to that person

For sums, we could use a simple trick

egen total = total(earnings), by(province)
gen others = total - earnings

and for means, we only need one more trick

egen n = count(earnings), by(province)
gen meanothers = others / (n - 1)

But you said median.

Here is a sketch:

bysort province: gen pid = _n
gen median = .
summarize pid, meanonly
quietly forvalues i = 1/`r(max)' {
	egen work = median(cond(pid != `i', income, .)), by(province)
	replace median = work if pid == `i'
         drop work
drop pid

For more on the logic, see the FAQ cited. A slightly delicate
detail is how to transfer results to observations for which they
were not calculated. What is above is one way to do it.

Mind you, unless your dataset is very small, this should be similar

egen median = median(earnings), by(province)

[email protected]

[email protected]

I need to construct a variable identifying the median of earnings by
province in South Africa.
The variable I am going to use should be constructed as the median of
the distribution of earnings excluding the person herself.
Which is the command to exclude such an observation?
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