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st: Lo-MacKinlay variance ratio with bootstrap

From   "d.cyril" <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Lo-MacKinlay variance ratio with bootstrap
Date   Wed, 11 Apr 2007 19:22:07 +0100

Dear Statalisters,

I wonder if you would have time to answer the following questions. I
am trying to perform -lomackinlay- (Lo and MacKinlay, 1988) variance
ratio test with bootstrap. The usual procedure would involve the
following steps:

  1. Draw a bootstrap sample of N observations r*(t), t=1..N, with
replacement from the empirical distribution of one-period returns,
  1a. For each t, draw a weighting factor z*(t), t=1..N, with
replacement from the empirical distribution of normalized returns
z(t)= [r(t) - mean]/sd
  1b. Form the bootstrap sample of N observations r*(t) = z*(t)r(t),
t=1..N, by multiplying observation of actual returns with its
corresponding random weighting factor.
  2. Calculate the VR*(k) from the pseudo data r*(t) for k=1..K
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 M times obtaining VR*(k,m) , m=1..M

  To test the null of a random walk one can compare the observed
VR(q) statistic with the quantiles of the sampling distribution. Mean
reverting processes would have a VR(q) statistic lower than the
5%-quantile while mean averting processes would have a VR(q) statistic
higher than the 95%-quantile.

If the program below is correct (it's my first time) then does it mean
that inferences should be made by comparing VR (=1.976 here) computed
using log of index values (as in -lomackinlay- helpfile) with those
found in -estat bootstrap- table under the heading "normal CI"?

Is it appropriate to set -bsample- equal to the total no. of
observations in this case?


use "rts-daily.dta", clear
*Step 1
gen rtsiday2 = log(rtsiday)
tabstat rtsiday2, s(mean, sd)
gen rtsiday2z =  (1/0.9153548)*(rtsiday2-5.751905)
gen rtsiday2bs = rtsiday2*rtsiday2z
lomackinlay rtsiday2bs, q(56)
scalar xxx = r(v_56)

*Step 2
capture program drop vrsim
program define vrsim, rclass
 gen tnew = _n
 tsset tnew
 lomackinlay rtsiday2bs, q(56)
 scalar v_56 = r(v_56)

*Step 3
simulate v56=v_56, reps(1000): vrsim
bstat, stat(xxx) n(1000) l(99)
estat bootstrap, all

. estat bootstrap, all

Bootstrap results                               Number of obs      =      1000
                                               Replications       =      1000
            |    Observed               Bootstrap
            |       Coef.       Bias    Std. Err.  [99% Conf. Interval]
        v56 |   1.6400484  -1.618944   .00067033    1.638322   1.641775   (N)
            |                                       .0194108   .0228126   (P)
            |                                              .          .  (BC)
(N)    normal confidence interval
(P)    percentile confidence interval
(BC)   bias-corrected confidence interval

. lomackinlay rtsiday2, q(56)

Lo-MacKinlay modified overlapping Variance Ratio statistic for rtsiday2
[        1 -      2898 ]

q         N         VR          R_s       p>|z|
56       2842      1.976       6.0591    0.0000
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