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Re: st: Pscore and balancing

From   "ricardo sierra" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Pscore and balancing
Date   Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:39:29 -0400

Is there a way you can start with a more parsimonious logit
specification to estimate de score ??

** This is the 1st step proposed in Dehejia and Wahba (2002)

On 4/11/07, Gauri Khanna <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Stata List,

I am using Stata Version 9.2. I am generating propensity scores using the
pscore module (authors Becker & Ichino 2002) and it is updated. I am stuck
with the balancing property which remains unsatisfied. I have 73 variables,
mostly categorical or dummy, for generating pscore. I have copied the output
below for reference. I have also copied a description of my variables, in
case you would like to scan through them. I looked at the statalist archives
but did not find a response to my question.

This is the command that I use: "waterpump, a binary variable, is my

-pscore waterpump v136 v151 v152 hv217 v012 v109 v110 v112 v115 v119 sh39
v131 v137 ///
v208 v218 v404 v416 husbwifelive v512 v627 v628 v629 ///
v715 v705 v717 v718 v714 v731 v730 b9 s509 s510 s511a s511b s511d s512a ///
s512b s513 sh29 sh32a sh32b sh32c sh32d sh32e sh32f sh32x sh34 sh35 ///
sh36 sh37 sh42 sh43 sh46 sh49 sh47a sh47b sh47c sh47d sh47e sh47f ///
sh47g sh47h sh47j sh47k sh47l sh47p sh47q sh47r sh47s sh47t ownerTV ///
hv211 v024, pscore(pscorepump) blockid(myblock) numblo(5) level(0.005)

1. Firstly, why does the number of observations get reduced to 13821 from
24,672 in the logit estimation?
(When I used the -comsup-option, the no. of observations in the table
"inferior of block pscore" then the no. of observations gets reduced to
13000 odd from 24,762 which is expected. But in the output below, I have not
run -comsup- so the no. of observations remain 24,762)

2. Is there an efficienty way of trying to meet the balancing property?
Since I have so many variables this might be a near impossible task.

3. I understand that one of the ways to meet the balancing property is to
use higher order terms and interactions. Given that I have many dummy
variables or categorical variables this suggestion is not very useful.

4. I browsed at the pscore and blockid variables generated "pscorepump" and
"myblock" and found  pscorepump==. for myblock==0. I don't understand what
this means. There are atleast 10,000 missing values for pscorepump.

Given that I have generate propensity scores several times over for
different treatment groups I would be extremely grateful if someone could
please advise me.



Algorithm to estimate the propensity score

The treatment is waterpump

 waterpump |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
         0 |     15,885       64.15       64.15
         1 |      8,877       35.85      100.00
     Total |     24,762      100.00

Estimation of the propensity score

Iteration 0:   log likelihood =  -9109.675
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -8131.2148
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -8090.9179
Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -8089.9872
Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -8089.9861
Iteration 5:   log likelihood = -8089.9861

Logistic regression                               Number of obs   =
                                                 LR chi2(73)     =
                                                 Prob > chi2     =
Log likelihood = -8089.9861                       Pseudo R2       =

  waterpump |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
       v136 |   .0165368   .0096416     1.72   0.086    -.0023604
       v151 |  -.0437896   .0882641    -0.50   0.620    -.2167841
       v152 |   .0003202   .0016804     0.19   0.849    -.0029733
      hv217 |  -.0211372    .024753    -0.85   0.393    -.0696522
       v012 |  -.0370832   .0079621    -4.66   0.000    -.0526886
       v109 |   .0142181   .0726133     0.20   0.845    -.1281014
       v110 |  -.1876761   .0590738    -3.18   0.001    -.3034587
       v112 |  -.0562225   .0476427    -1.18   0.238    -.1496003
       v115 |  -.0058888   .0009844    -5.98   0.000    -.0078182
       v119 |  -.9156391   .1534767    -5.97   0.000    -1.216448
       sh39 |  -.0093317   .0046107    -2.02   0.043    -.0183686
       v131 |  -.0449353    .017664    -2.54   0.011    -.0795562
       v137 |  -.0812052   .0256932    -3.16   0.002     -.131563
       v208 |   .0150714   .0351368     0.43   0.668    -.0537955
       v218 |  -.0535865   .0225205    -2.38   0.017    -.0977259
       v404 |   .2572917   .0560506     4.59   0.000     .1474345
       v416 |  -.0089503   .0161706    -0.55   0.580    -.0406442
husbwifelive |   .1250677   .0961814     1.30   0.193    -.0634444
       v512 |   .0439059   .0087173     5.04   0.000     .0268204
       v627 |  -.0036405   .0259638    -0.14   0.888    -.0545286
       v628 |   .0055433   .0290203     0.19   0.849    -.0513354
       v629 |  -.0025496   .0170102    -0.15   0.881    -.0358891
       v715 |   .0156505   .0050324     3.11   0.002     .0057872
       v705 |   .0009952   .0026297     0.38   0.705    -.0041589
       v717 |   .0157639   .0075627     2.08   0.037     .0009413
       v718 |   -.054141   .0170187    -3.18   0.001    -.0874971
       v714 |   .5117575   .2638649     1.94   0.052    -.0054081
       v731 |  -.2636456   .1454615    -1.81   0.070    -.5487448
       v730 |   .0071485   .0034344     2.08   0.037     .0004172
         b9 |  -.1381251   .1456387    -0.95   0.343    -.4235717
       s509 |  -.0037555   .0020511    -1.83   0.067    -.0077756
       s510 |   .0039359   .0022827     1.72   0.085    -.0005381
      s511a |   .0046628   .0172106     0.27   0.786    -.0290693
      s511b |   .0244404   .0220627     1.11   0.268    -.0188018
      s511d |  -.0662242   .0226893    -2.92   0.004    -.1106944
      s512a |   .0551096   .0352604     1.56   0.118    -.0139995
      s512b |   .1820999   .0517648     3.52   0.000     .0806427
       s513 |  -.1124802   .0398112    -2.83   0.005    -.1905087
       sh29 |   .0133232   .0017694     7.53   0.000     .0098552
      sh32a |  -.0457174   .1929909    -0.24   0.813    -.4239726
      sh32b |  -.4238643   .2675577    -1.58   0.113    -.9482677
      sh32c |   .0914454   .2024985     0.45   0.652    -.3054444
      sh32d |  -.7686991   .1828472    -4.20   0.000    -1.127073
      sh32e |  -.3027793   .6182508    -0.49   0.624    -1.514529
      sh32f |   .3425503   .1947313     1.76   0.079     -.039116
      sh32x |   .0599032   .3102354     0.19   0.847     -.548147
       sh34 |  -.4306421   .1426025    -3.02   0.003    -.7101378
       sh35 |  -.0315757   .0168604    -1.87   0.061    -.0646214
       sh36 |  -.1901594   .0456417    -4.17   0.000    -.2796155
       sh37 |   .0214189   .0073974     2.90   0.004     .0069202
       sh42 |   .2409778   .0744005     3.24   0.001     .0951556
       sh43 |  -.1217373   .0462229    -2.63   0.008    -.2123325
       sh46 |     .02258   .0465304     0.49   0.627    -.0686178
       sh49 |   .0316219   .0306231     1.03   0.302    -.0283983
      sh47a |   -.281183   .0458982    -6.13   0.000    -.3711419
      sh47b |  -.3105555    .067574    -4.60   0.000    -.4429981
      sh47c |  -.2774826   .0570406    -4.86   0.000    -.3892801
      sh47d |   .2857967   .0507951     5.63   0.000     .1862401
      sh47e |  -.0465287   .0600335    -0.78   0.438    -.1641923
      sh47f |  -.0569313   .0474101    -1.20   0.230    -.1498534
      sh47g |   .1779822   .0602837     2.95   0.003     .0598282
      sh47h |    .453847   .0426894    10.63   0.000     .3701772
      sh47j |  -.0186251   .0684948    -0.27   0.786    -.1528723
      sh47k |   .2616956   .2048625     1.28   0.201    -.1398276
      sh47l |   .0638542   .1556463     0.41   0.682     -.241207
      sh47p |   .1524665   .3714589     0.41   0.681    -.5755795
      sh47q |   .4475498   .0971597     4.61   0.000     .2571203
      sh47r |    .382921   .0751051     5.10   0.000     .2357178
      sh47s |    .666872   .1650351     4.04   0.000     .3434092
      sh47t |  -.3674771   .1922123    -1.91   0.056    -.7442063
    ownerTV |    .126107   .0726295     1.74   0.083    -.0162441
      hv211 |   .2028699   .1075005     1.89   0.059    -.0078272
       v024 |   .0062517   .0025395     2.46   0.014     .0012744
      _cons |   .0984652   .4290789     0.23   0.818     -.742514

Description of the estimated propensity score

                Estimated propensity score
     Percentiles      Smallest
1%     .0435489       .0014547
5%     .0808509       .0104286
10%     .1245135       .0129766       Obs               13821
25%     .2320692       .0131112       Sum of Wgt.       13821

50%     .3675371                      Mean           .3703061
                       Largest       Std. Dev.      .1787873
75%     .5033935       .9397132
90%     .6070773       .9507915       Variance       .0319649
95%     .6681031       .9670365       Skewness       .1283541
99%     .7641454       .9676308       Kurtosis       2.319066

Step 1: Identification of the optimal number of blocks
Use option detail if you want more detailed output

The final number of blocks is 14

This number of blocks ensures that the mean propensity score
is not different for treated and controls in each blocks

Step 2: Test of balancing property of the propensity score
Use option detail if you want more detailed output

Variable v717 is not balanced in block 1

Variable sh47h is not balanced in block 1

Variable v115 is not balanced in block 2

Variable v705 is not balanced in block 2

Variable s511a is not balanced in block 2

Variable sh32x is not balanced in block 2

Variable sh43 is not balanced in block 2

Variable sh47r is not balanced in block 2

Variable sh42 is not balanced in block 3

Variable v119 is not balanced in block 4

Variable sh32a is not balanced in block 4

Variable sh34 is not balanced in block 4

Variable sh47d is not balanced in block 4

Variable sh47g is not balanced in block 4

Variable sh32f is not balanced in block 5

Variable sh32a is not balanced in block 6

Variable sh32f is not balanced in block 6

Variable sh47h is not balanced in block 6

Variable sh32a is not balanced in block 9

Variable sh32f is not balanced in block 9

Variable sh47g is not balanced in block 11

Variable sh47j is not balanced in block 11

Variable v115 is not balanced in block 12

Variable sh47q is not balanced in block 12

Variable s512a is not balanced in block 13

Variable s512b is not balanced in block 13

Variable sh29 is not balanced in block 13

Variable sh47c is not balanced in block 13

The balancing property is not satisfied

Try a different specification of the propensity score

 Inferior |
 of block |       waterpump
of pscore  |         0          1 |     Total
        0 |     7,398      3,765 |    11,163
      .05 |       370         18 |       388
     .075 |       340         34 |       374
       .1 |       696        107 |       803
      .15 |       754        174 |       928
       .2 |       912        251 |     1,163
      .25 |       895        339 |     1,234
       .3 |     1,745        890 |     2,635
       .4 |     1,383      1,160 |     2,543
       .5 |       517        610 |     1,127
      .55 |       359        546 |       905
       .6 |       391        668 |     1,059
       .7 |       109        268 |       377
       .8 |        16         47 |        63
    Total |    15,885      8,877 |    24,762

End of the algorithm to estimate the pscore


des v136 v151 v152 hv217 v012 v109 v110 v112 v115 v119 sh39 v131 v137 v208
v218 v404 v416 husbwifelive v512 v627 v628 v629 v715 v705 v717 v718 v714
v731 v730 b9 s509 s510 s511a s511b s511d s512a s512b s513 sh29 sh32a sh32b
sh32c sh32d sh32e sh32f sh32x sh34 sh35 sh36 sh37 sh42 sh43 sh46 sh49 sh47a
sh47b sh47c sh47d sh47e sh47f sh47g sh47h sh47j sh47k sh47l sh47p sh47q
sh47r sh47s sh47t ownerTV hv211 v024

             storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
v136            byte   %8.0g                  number of household members
v151            byte   %8.0g       v151       sex of household head
v152            byte   %8.0g                  age of household head
hv217           byte   %8.0g       hv217      relationship structure
v012            byte   %8.0g                  current age - respondent
v109            byte   %8.0g       v109       reads newspaper once a week
v110            byte   %8.0g       v110       watches tv every week
v112            byte   %8.0g       v112       listens to radio every week
v115            int    %8.0g       v115       time to get to water source
v119            byte   %8.0g       v119       has electricity
sh39            byte   %8.0g       sh39       religion of household head
v131            byte   %8.0g       v131       ethnicity (scheduled caste or
v137            byte   %8.0g                  number of children 5 and under
v208            byte   %8.0g                  births in last five years
v218            byte   %8.0g                  number of living children
v404            byte   %8.0g       v404       currently breastfeeding
v416            byte   %8.0g       v416       heard of oral rehydration
husbwifelive    float  %9.0g
v512            byte   %8.0g                  years since first marriage
v627            byte   %8.0g       v627       ideal number of boys
v628            byte   %8.0g       v628       ideal number of girls
v629            byte   %8.0g       v629       ideal number of either sex
v715            byte   %8.0g       v715       husbands education-single yrs
v705            byte   %8.0g       v705       partner's occupation
v717            byte   %8.0g       v717       respondent's occupation
v718            byte   %8.0g       v718       current type of employment
v714            byte   %8.0g       v714       respondent currently working
v731            byte   %8.0g       v731       worked in last 12 months
v730            byte   %8.0g       v730       partners age
b9              byte   %8.0g       b9         who child lives with
s509            byte   %8.0g       s509       how much education should be
                                               given to girls
s510            byte   %8.0g       s510       how much education should be
                                               given to boys
s511a           byte   %8.0g       s511a      who decides what to cook
s511b           byte   %8.0g       s511b      who decides on obtaining
s511d           byte   %8.0g       s511d      who decides about respondent
                                               staying with family
s512a           byte   %8.0g       s512a      permission needed to go to
s512b           byte   %8.0g       s512b      permission needed to visit
                                               relatives or friends
s513            byte   %8.0g       s513       allowed to have money set
sh29            byte   %8.0g       sh29       where do household members go
                                               for treatment
sh32a           byte   %8.0g       sh32a      strain by cloth to purify
sh32b           byte   %8.0g       sh32b      use alum to purify water
sh32c           byte   %8.0g       sh32c      use water filter to purify
sh32d           byte   %8.0g       sh32d      boil water to purify
sh32e           byte   %8.0g       sh32e      use electronic purifier to
                                               purify water
sh32f           byte   %8.0g       sh32f      use nothing to purify water
sh32x           byte   %8.0g       sh32x      use other method to purify
sh34            byte   %8.0g       sh34       main source of lighting
sh35            byte   %8.0g       sh35       number of rooms
sh36            byte   %8.0g       sh36       separate room used as a
sh37            byte   %8.0g       sh37       main cooking fuel
sh42            byte   %8.0g       sh42       does this household own this
                                               house or any other house?
sh43            byte   %8.0g       sh43       does this household own any
                                               agricultural land?
sh46            byte   %8.0g       sh46       household owns livestock
sh49            byte   %8.0g       sh49       type of house
sh47a           byte   %8.0g       sh47a      mattress
sh47b           byte   %8.0g       sh47b      pressure cooker
sh47c           byte   %8.0g       sh47c      chair
sh47d           byte   %8.0g       sh47d      cot or bed
sh47e           byte   %8.0g       sh47e      table
sh47f           byte   %8.0g       sh47f      clock or watch
sh47g           byte   %8.0g       sh47g      fan
sh47h           byte   %8.0g       sh47h      bicycle
sh47j           byte   %8.0g       sh47j      sewing maching
sh47k           byte   %8.0g       sh47k      telephone
sh47l           byte   %8.0g       sh47l      refrigerator
sh47p           byte   %8.0g       sh47p      car
sh47q           byte   %8.0g       sh47q      water pump
sh47r           byte   %8.0g       sh47r      bullock cart
sh47s           byte   %8.0g       sh47s      thresher
sh47t           byte   %8.0g       sh47t      tractor
ownerTV         float  %9.0g
hv211           byte   %8.0g       hv211      has motorcycle
v024            byte   %8.0g       v024       region


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