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Re: st: Insheet Dataset Problem

From   "Benjamin Allaire" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Insheet Dataset Problem
Date   Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:04:31 -0500

So there must be an error in the help file for the insheet command then -
when I type "help insheet "I get:

insheet [varlist] using filename [, options]

Which is incorrect, if I am reading these responses correctly.

Also - I am using the Stata for mac, sorry if I didn't specify that.

You cannot select variables with -insheet-.

   sysuse auto
   outsheet using auto.csv, comma
   insheet make price mpg using auto.csv
too few variables specified
error in line 76 of file
   insheet using auto.csv
(12 vars, 74 obs)


--- Benjamin Allaire <[email protected]> wrote:
>Hi Statalisters -
>I had a quick question, I'm trying to import a dataset into
>stata and it contains too many variables, so I was trying to
>insheet the
>variables I need.  It's a csv file and I tried the following
>insheet district month year using cfy06e3.csv, c names clear
>And got the following error:
>too few variables specified
>error in line 3934 of file
>which is odd considering there are only 3932 observations and I
>particularly expect to get an error like this with the insheet
>Does anyone have any good ideas on a work around?

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