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Re: st: mysureg's noconstant option
Woolton Lee <[email protected]> ran the code I suggested, but it didn't work:
> Thank you for your reply and solution. I tried your code and STATA still
> indicates that the options are not allowed.
> . local eq1 lncom_vc lncommm lncomq lnphys lnhosp lnadm lnoth
> > lnami time lncommmsq lncomqsq lnphyssq lnhospsq
> > lnadmsq lnothsq lnamisq timesq tlncommm tlncomq
> > tlnhosp tlnphys tlnadm tlnoth tlnami lncommmlnhosp
> > lncommmlnphys lncommmlnadm lncommmlnoth lncomqlnhosp
> > lncomqlnphys lncomqlnadm lncomqlnoth lncommmlncomq
> > lnphyslnhosp lnphyslnoth lnphyslnadm lnhosplnadm
> > lnhosplnoth lnadmlnoth lnamilnhosp lnamilnphys
> > lnamilnoth lnamilnadm lnamilncommm lnamilncomq
> > othexp_ind;
> . local eq2 phys_shr lnhosp lnphys lnoth lnadm lncommm lncomq lnami
> time;
> . local eq3 hosp_shr lnphys lnhosp lnoth lnadm lncommm lncomq lnami
> time;
> . forvalues x = 1/5 {;
> 2. mysureg (`eq1', noconstant)
> > (`eq2', noconstant)
> > (`eq3', noconstant)
> > if _j == `x',
> > cluster(cocode)
> > constraint(23-30);
> 3. };
> options not allowed
> r(101);
> Perhaps I am running a version of mysureg that is not up to date?
Sorry about that Woolton.
I recently made some changes to -mysureg- due to a private email conversation
I had with a Stata user. The current ado-file for -mysureg- does not allow
the -noconstant- option, but I have one that does (with an improved help file
too). Tomorrow morning I'll upload the new -mysureg- code to the download
site for the 3rd edition of the ML book; I'll also announce when it is ready
on Statalist.
[email protected]
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