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Re: st: Question using macro in loop
Hi, Friedrich and other statalisters,
Thanks for Friedrich's reply.
Sorry that I made a mistake in my code. I mean "gen s=1" instead of
"s=1". The missing values appear at different variables for different
observations, so s would take different values for different
observations. Also, what I want is that, for example, if all Vi are not
missing except V5, then the resulting Wi would be that W1-W4 would be
the same as V1-V4, while W5-W9 would carry values from V6-V10.
Thanks a lot!
Tak Wai
Friedrich Huebler wrote:
Tak Wai,
The loop below copies all non-missing observations from variables v1
to v10 to variables w1 to w10. The macro s counts the number of
non-missing observations in variables v1 to v10.
local s = 0
forvalues i = 1/10 {
replace w`i' = v`i' if v`i'<.
count if v`i'<.
local s = `s' + r(N)
di `s'
The statement "s=1" is not valid Stata, you probably mean "generate
s=1". The command "local s1=s" assigns the first observation in
variable s to the local s1. The command "replace s=s+1 if v`i'<."
adds 1 to all observations in variable s if the first observation in
variable v`i' is missing.
The command "replace w`s1'=v`i' if v`i'<." indicates that you may be
thinking in terms of a loop over observations, not variables. Such a
loop is neither efficient nor necessary but if you want it you need
different code from the one above.
--- Tak-wai Chau <[email protected]> wrote:
I would like to ask something about using macro in loops. I have
tried to find it in the archive and FAQ for some time but I don't
get it.
Sorry if I have overlooked some obvious things.
I would like to update certain variables according to the value
taking by a particular variable, and this value differs by
observations. Then what I should do?
For example, if I want to transfer value of non-missing variables
from V1-V10 to W1-W10. But I don't want to variables carrying
missing value between. I use s to count the number of non-missing
values I have covered at that point.
The following is what I think of but doesn't work.
forvalues i=1/10 {
local s1=s
replace w`s1'=v`i' if v`i'<.
replace s=s+1 if v`i'<.
I know the problem is at the local statement.
What should I do?
Thank you very much!
Tak Wai Chau
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