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st: RE: ANOVA with tabulated data

From   David Airey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: RE: ANOVA with tabulated data
Date   Thu, 5 Apr 2007 15:41:27 -0500

I have student's score data, in rows by students and in columns by
How to set ANOVA command to make two-factor (by students and by exams) ANOVA test?

Data example:

| Exam1 Exam2 Exam3 Exam4 |
1. | 75 78 80 73 |
2. | 73 71 69 67 |
3. | 60 64 62 63 |
4. | 70 72 70 80 |
5. | 86 90 85 92 |

Keep in mind, that if rows are subjects, then each subject has been measured multiple times, and more than twice. So although you have a 2 factor anova, it will typically be called a one way repeated measures ANOVA, and you will need to specify a repeated variable, in your case exams. Just follow the person drug example at

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