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Re: st: variables precision

From   Kyle Hood <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: variables precision
Date   Wed, 4 Apr 2007 19:30:08 -0400 (EDT)

couldn't you just recast both as floats (generating a new pair of variables), do the operation, and then, if you wish, delete the new variables?

something like this

gen float xf = x
gen float yf = y
gen z = xf < yf
drop xf yf

On Thu, 5 Apr 2007, sara borelli wrote:

Dear Statalist members

I know this is a precision question already posted in
the past, but I have difficulties to understand the
right way to go even after looking at the archives of

I have two variables:
 x        y
17.68    17.68
15.56    15.56
19.27    19.27
5.3      5.3

If I write 'count if x<y' stata says that all
observations satisfy this inequality, when in fact the
values 'look' the same. I think this has to do
with the fact that x is stored as double, while y is
stored as float. Is there any way I can say stata to
read the values as they "appear" and thus performing
calculations correctly (in this case I would need
stata say that there are zero observations for which
x<y)? I am sorry to repeat this question, but any
suggestion would be really appreciated


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