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st: Matching an observation to a variable name...

From   "Moore, Jesse" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Matching an observation to a variable name...
Date   Tue, 3 Apr 2007 13:45:18 -0400

Hello all,
I have 60 variables called smon97-smon156 that each correspond to the
month of the year from 1986-2004 (So smon97 is jan 94 and smon156 is dec

I also have a variable mondx, that was created by taking the month of
diagnosis and converting it to match the numeric part of the
mon1-mon228.  I used the following command  for this step: gen mondx=
((yeardx-1986)*12) + (monthdx)

So far so good.  Now I would like Stata to use the mondx and refer to
the value of the corresponding smon97-smon156.  I only want to keep them
if that value=3.

I have been trying to use;
gen OK=.
forvalues i = 97/156 {
	if i==mondx & (smon`i'==3) replace OK = 1

Stata returns a type mismatch code.  Mondx and all the smon* variables
are numeric floats.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Jesse Moore, MD
General Surgery Resident
Fletcher Allen Healthcare
University of Vermont

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