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Re: st: SMCL horizontal line in -estout-
On Apr 2, 2007, at 7:00 PM, Ben Jann wrote:
Michael, -hlinechar("{hline @width}")- will work. The quotes are
necessary to keep the smcl hline directive on one line.
Thanks for your reply, Ben. Unfortunately, I cannot get that option
to display as expected. Here is a short example:
// -- begin sample code -- //
sysuse auto, clear
qui: reg price mpg rep78
est store reg1
qui: reg price mpg rep78 foreign
est store reg2
estout *, style(smcl) cells(b(fmt(%9.2f)) t(par abs)) label ///
stats(N rmse r2, fmt(%9.0g %9.1f %9.4f) ///
labels("Sample size" "RMSE" "R-squared")) collabels(, none) ///
varlabels(_cons Constant) hlinechar("{hline @width}") ///
postfoot(@hline "t-statistics in parentheses" ///
@hline "Source: Auto database")
// -- end sample code -- //
Rather then seeing two horizontal lines, I just see the text "@hline"
twice in the displayed table. If I use -hlinechar({hline})-, I do see
the horizontal lines, but each has the width of the Results window.
Do you see what am I doing incorrectly in the above code? Thanks
-- Mike
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