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Re: st: weighted psmatch2?

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: weighted psmatch2?
Date   Sat, 31 Mar 2007 19:55:53 +0200

Maybe -nnmatch- (which allows pweights; from ssc) and -pscore- (which allow fweights, iweights, and pweights; from SJ 5-3) can provide some second-best solution.


At 02.33 31/03/2007 -0400, Anna Gueorguieva wrote:
>Dear Statalist,
>After searching on the statalist, I am still struggling with how to weigh my observations when I use psmatch2.
>It currently does not take weights. Is there a way I can pre-inflate my data or use some intermediate result of the program that I can later put into a command that uses weights?
>Here is my command:
>psmatch2 migranthh landend notbornkos numyearsinkos landend $ind_var, outcome(lncon) ate 
>Thank you in advance.

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