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st: Re: Generating independent standard normal variables

From   Joseph Coveney <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: Generating independent standard normal variables
Date   Mon, 02 Apr 2007 13:33:17 +0900

Tiago Pereira wrote:

I have to compute the statistical power of a test. To do that, I need to
generate several independent standard normal variables.

Let Zi; 1 =< i =< k denote independent standard normal variables, and k a
value ranging from 1 to 200. How do I generate 1000 independent standard
normal variables using Stata supposing that k=18?


Consider using -generate-.  The expectation for rho is zero, which might be
better for your purpose, if it's to do power analysis by simulation.  If you
need to specify orthogonal correlation structure for a given set of
variables, then you would use -drawnorm-.

Joseph Coveney

set more off
set seed 12345
set obs 1000
local k 18 // You can change this from 1 to 200.
forvalues i = 1/`k' {
   generate double Z`i' = invnormal(uniform())

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