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Re: st: Question about estout/ estadd

From   "Ben Jann" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Question about estout/ estadd
Date   Fri, 30 Mar 2007 21:40:34 +0200

estout test, cells(mean (fmt(3))  sd(par fmt(3))) stats(N) label
There should be no space between "mean" and "(fmt(3))".

On 3/30/07, Kristin J. Kleinjans <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Ben,
that works well - thanks a lot!

I would like to ask you one more question - how do I get it to report 3
decimal points? I tried several versions, among them

estout test, cells(mean (fmt(3))  sd(par fmt(3))) stats(N) label
drop(_cons) replace

but I get the error message "option 3 not allowed".

Thanks again for your help - your program is an enourmous time saver.

Best wishes,

> You are using old -estadd- syntax. The new syntax is
>  . estadd <subcommand> [, <options> ]
> In your case:
> . probit rwork acutenew chronicnew  if ragender==1&hcplt_1==0,
> cluster(hhidpn) nolog
> . estadd mean
> . estadd sd, nobinary
> . estimates store test
> or
> . probit rwork acutenew chronicnew  if ragender==1&hcplt_1==0,
> cluster(hhidpn) nolog
> . estadd summ
> . estimates store test
> ben
> PS: It seems you have an outdated help file. Type
>  . ssc install estout, replace
> to install the latest version.
> On 3/30/07, Kristin J. Kleinjans <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Dear Statalist,
>> I am trying to make a summary statistics table with estadd (I use
>> Stata 8 SE). According to the help file, the code I use should work:
>> probit rwork acutenew chronicnew  if ragender==1&hcplt_1==0, cluster
>> (hhidpn) nolog
>> estadd, stats(mean sd(nobinary))
>> estimates store test
>> But I get this error message after estadd:
>>  estadd, stats(mean sd(nobinary))
>> something required
>> r(100)
>> I tried taking out the sample retstrictions and the cluster in the
>> estimation, but it made no difference.
>> I would appreciate any thoughts that you might have -
>> best regards,
>> Kristin
>> Kristin J. Kleinjans
>> University of Aarhus
>> School of Economics and Management
>> Building 322
>> 8000 Aarhus C
>> Denmark
>> Phone: +45 8942 1624
>> E-mail: [email protected]
>> Website:
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