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[no subject]

Hello Statalisters, 

I use Intercooled Stata 9.1 and downloaded the mca ado-file from
Philippe Van Kerm. 
I listet 87 countries and their voting behavior over 93 votes (with
3 possibilities to vote - yes, no, abstention) in a multiway table. 
I tried mca in several ways (because I am not sure about the best coding
procedure of my dataset). So once I dummy-coded all 93 votes (so I have
87 country-rows and 93 votes x3 vote-possibilites-columns) and once I
summarized all 93 votes per country (so I have 87 country-rows and 3
summarized vote-columns). 
All my attempts to use the mca-command (mca country yes no abstention,
d(2)) resulted in the error message r134 "too many values". Then I set
the largest possible memory (for my computer) and set the maximum
matsize (800), but that seems not to be the mistake. 
Can anybody imagine where´s my mistake and what I can do to avoid
this error?



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