Dear Valued users,
This is my first posting and hope that someone will have answers to my questions.
I am using logistic model which consisits of 6 variables with 4 intercation terms:
the fist with 3 factors ( x1*x2*x3)
the second with 2 factors (x1*x2)
the third with 2 factors (x4*x5)
the fourth with 3 factors (x1*x2*x6)
So the model would be like this:
logit (p)= b1x1+b2x2+b3x3+b4x4+b5x5+b6x6 +b7( x1*x2*x3)+b8(x1*x2)+b9(x4*x5)+b10(x1*x2*x6)
I know that inteff command can be used only when there are two variables interacting with each other, but in my case I need to find interaction term and effect of three. furthermore there is more than one interaction in the model (4 interactions).
I am really desperate to find a solution to this problem. If there is anyone who can help please let me know ASAP.
this is part of my Phd work and I really need to get this done very soon because I must present my progress to the committee.
Thanking you in advance.
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